In the
Film Detour one of the very first stereotypes of Film Noir is
the Omniscient Narrator and the Flashback. This is shown by the main
character Al Roberts and his down on luck attitude in the beginning of the
movie. This is very reminiscent of one of the more famous movies in the Film
Noir Citizen Kane were their demise is shown early on. Even
though in this case we don't learn of his full demise until the end Al Roberts
shows his distress by being like Eeyore in every way and seems to hate the
world. He then tries to convey to the audience his side
by narrating his story in a flash back which last for 90% of the
movie. He begins to try and show how he is out of luck and his girl has
left him to go to L.A. He decides to go after her and that’s when things hit
the fan. After finding a car ride to Los Angeles after days of hitch hiking he
gets into a predicament when Charles Haskell Jr., the car owner, passes
away in his sleep. Trying to convey his innocence he reasons with the audience
that no one would believe him and hides the body and takes his personality.
Thus following the stereotype of Film noir, he pours his conscious out to
the audience while going against what is right. Though now a days with CSI and
the NSA im sure Gibbs could have saved him. Anyway this stereotype runs right
along with the movie with Roberts trying to reason what he had to do. And
through his conscious he is
kept under Vera’s finger nail because he knew leaving Haskell
Jr. there was wrong. In the end it shows his ultimate demise being taken
to jail where his final plea is said to the audience “Fate, or some mysterious
force, can put the finger on you or me for no good reason at all”.
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